Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Proofreading for NUS NTU SMU Masters / PhD Theses

To all Singapore university postgraduate research students, (particularly if you have finished writing your thesis or dissertation) proofreading services are here for you!
If interested, please contact:


  1. Hi Mr Boon,
    I am a final semester PhD student at NUS, Dept of Architecture. I have a few questions:

    1. How do you charge for proofreading? Page by page or word-count?
    2. How long it might take to read, say, a 40,000 word dissertation report?

    Will look forward to your further communications.
    Best regards,


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I deleted my reply to Sheikh Serajul Hakim today to prevent my email address from being auto-picked up by email-spamming robots.

      Anyway, since my reply was over 2 years ago, I'm sure Sheikh Serajul Hakim would have already seen my reply.
